The sleeves met the cuffs at an ugly cloth angle so I smoothed the sleeves out and now when they met the hand it looks more natural.

While I was working on all these other little problems I decided to address an aesthetic design that I had a gripe with. A very subtle edit but when the UV aligns properly the result is much nicer. The original outfit I used as a base for this one had messed up UVs for the cuffs. The sleeves themselves had an annoying problem which relates to my lesson I mentioned before. I ruined the alpha channel on the original outfit so most of the detail was gone, because of this the cuffs always looked out of place and didn’t flow well with the rest of the sleeves. Another of my mistakes was with the shirt texture. Before it had a tendency to stretch out and look ugly. Also because the weights are better for the scarf, when a character is in state 2 with chest physics the scarf will properly stay connected.

Originally I wasn’t experienced in bone weights to properly have the scarf and scarf tie scale with the chest to prevent clipping but coming back months later its a simple fix. The biggest revision to this outfit was the resizing and repositioning of the scarf and elimination of clipping for chest sizes 0-100.
#Aa2 mods sitagi download
School Swimsuit Texture Select Download Posted in AA2, clothing | Tagged clothing, makoto, sen | Leave a reply Hyouka Inspired Sailor Uniform v2 Its always good to give a girl a personal customization to show you care. I used 2048×2048 for my swimsuit textures and because of this you get very sharp text and high quality details. With AAU’s high res texture script this restriction can be bypassed so you can have textures at whatever size you want.

The swimsuit’s base texture is 512×512 so adding text and minute details ends up blurry. In the base game, textures that get called from a p03 file or textures that get called from the texture folder for skirts and underwear have strict size limits depending on what material they use. De-saturating this lets you have really nice black swimsuits instead of the pathetic dark purple color you’d get normally. Very simple edit.Īn interesting side quirk with the original swimsuit is that is has a very blue shadow texture and unsurprisingly it causes swimsuit colors besides blue to look terrible. For the swimsuit specifically you’d want to change the “top 1” column to a 0 and change the “Has Skirt” and “Bottom 1” columns to 1 which will let you have skirt texture selection and enable the bottom 1 button ingame.